At Upstart Co-Lab, we constantly think about two things: artists who are innovators, and unleashing more capital for creativity. Lucky for us, we have smart friends who think about these things with us.


Read our op-ed in Quartz with Eric Verkerke, co-founder and chief creative officer of Emergence Creative — Great minds don’t think alike: How creativity and cognitive diversity fuel business greatness.


“Artist Innovators are starting social purpose businesses, developing new software, initiating unique public-private partnerships, and anchoring real estate developments with cultural institutions.”


Read our op-ed in The Hill with Carla I. Javits, the President of the Marian B. and Jacob K. Javits Foundation: Another way to fund the arts in America.


“Art institutions, art lovers, and artists themselves are looking for opportunities to align their investments with their priorities. A Creativity Lens for impact investing can bring a new source of capital…alongside…philanthropy for the arts.”


Read more about what Upstart Co-Lab has to say and what others are saying about our work in Upstart News.