Inclusive Creative Economy Strategy

Portfolio commitments as of July 1, 2024

The Inclusive Creative Economy Portfolio will be comprised of

  • 75% funds, with 50%+ of portfolio holdings in creative industries
    Upstart Co-Lab expects to invest in emerging funds below $100 million. This reflects our strategic prioritization on BIPOC- and women-led funds and funds investing in BIPOC- and women-led companies which have historically been shut out of access to capital are likely to be younger and smaller.

  • 25% seed and early-stage companies in creative industries
    Upstart Co-Lab expects to invest in seed and early-stage companies in fashion, food, film & TV, video games, the creator economy, and other creative industries; raising $500K-$10M; and led by women and BIPOC founders.

Our current portfolio

The first three investments of the Inclusive Creative Economy Strategy are funds with which Upstart has been in conversation for 6-36 months which were nearing their final close. Commitments to 2-4 companies are anticipated in the coming months. Currently, the team is prioritizing outbound sourcing on funds and companies in the media, entertainment, design, and creator sectors to ensure industry diversification in the portfolio.  


Click the logos below to learn more about each fund.
